Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethics and Leadership Management

Question: Discuss about the Ethics and Leadership Management. Answer: Introduction I have learnt about the ethics and leadership management in an organisation after completing this course. Through the course, I have seen there a leader can face many problems while managing the employees. Therefore, I have to face many issues in an organisation regarding the ethics and leadership. In this study, I have identified the challenges faced at the time of working in the company to analyse the effectiveness of the course study. Issues faced in the company The challenges faced in the multinational company regarding ethics and leadership are building relationship, transparency, fair working conditions, health and safety of staffs and technological issues. In any organisation, I have learnt the main issues regarding building relationship with the employees. It is necessary to build a good relationship with the employees to lead them in a proper way. This is the main problem in the any company to decide the process and policies to disclose the important information with the employees or stakeholders. Generally, transparency includes the accuracy in work, honesty and completeness of the financial reports while in the small business the marketing messages, communicating messages, which are not open to misinterpret by anyone. Therefore, it was the challenge for me to learn the processes of handling these ethical issues and taking the right decisions for the betterment of the company. Along with this, I have learnt the challenge of maintaini ng the fair work conditions in the organisation. Generally, to provide good working condition to every employee need higher labour costs and resource utilisation, which decreases the overall profit of the company. Therefore, it was the challenge for the leader to maintain the fair working condition without compromising with the profit. Apart from this, I have learnt that I have to take care of the health and safety factors of the employees working in the companies. In recent times, the employees have to work overtime in few cases, then taking care of their health and safety is the responsibility of a leader, which is a very challenging situation. Moreover, the use of technological advancement is another challenge for the leader where I have to take the decision which policy or technological growth should be beneficial for the company. I have learnt from the course that I have to face these types of problems in the future when I will be a leader of any organisation. Recommendations The course has taught me that I have to change some processes of my implementation. I have to remind the responsibilities of the administrative as well as to the employees. Therefore, in this case, I should have to implement the internal policies to maintain the transparency of the reports as well as the communication system between employees. Along with this, the working environment should be implemented in a way that every employee feel homely atmosphere while working in the office. The technological advancement should be incorporated in the work processes of the company as well as for giving various personal facilities to the employees. It will make them enable to deliver their best to the company. Moreover, the course has taught me that I have to rectify my wrong deeds in the past time not to repeat those mistakes in future again. Conclusion While concluding this discussion, it can be said that the study of ethics and leadership has helped me to understand the ethics of the business that should not repeat the policies that can harm the relationship between the leader and the employees. Therefore, the course has proved to be very helpful for me to understand the positive sides of a leader, which can be developed through some good practice to lead the company in a better way.

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